How does CX Collective determine what you need in a Help Desk?


We're support leaders at heart. Because we've walked in your shoes, we know what you need to be successful.

We learn about you. We call this our investigation phase.

We start by assessing how you're working today, your workflows, tech stack and org structure. This helps us provide tailored advice. If we find an opportunity, we share a solution. It's that simple!

We create a plan. We call this our Intentions phase.

We design a custom plan that matches your team's unique goals and preferences based on what we've learned about you and the goals you've shared with us.

We offer different ways to achieve these goals, and you choose the best fit.

What makes us different?

At CX Collective, your needs come first. We know every team is different, and that's why we stay flexible with various systems. We believe your Help Desk should be as unique as your team.

We’ve managed these tools ourselves. That means our setup and optimization come with clear instructions and, if you want, training sessions. We want everyone to have a great experience.

Plus, we don’t just set you up and leave you hanging. Think of us as your go-to support squad for your support team. We're here for you every step of the way!

Click here to learn more about our Help Desk solutions, or schedule an Exploratory Call.